The Big 2: Wheat, Barley (known as Jo in India)
Wheat,Barley,Rye and other grains
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Gluten Sensitivity”
The Big 2: Wheat, Barley (known as Jo in India)
Wheat,Barley,Rye and other grains
Quinoa is a powerhouse of nutrition like protein, calcium, phosphorus essential amino acids, potassium, magnesium etc.
Next generation health food – Gluten free is new concept
Healthy Jowar Khichdi- our ancient grain
gluten free recipes are much better than the usual wheat recipes for the health point of view
in India people are becoming diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance, an autoimmune condition that can attack the intestines and other tissues when gluten (a protein found in wheat) is consumed.
Looking to reduce gluten in your diet and worried that you will be stuck eating brown rice and white rice for the rest of your life?.